November 29, 2022

How to Create a Fleet Fuel Management System

Transportation eats up a significant part of business profits, so it is important that the logistics are built correctly, and the parks are managed competently. This requires a reliable, accurate, and well-automated fleet fuel management system (FFMS).

According to experts, the global value of FMS market is growing by almost 10% annually, expected to will have exceeded $2 billion by 2028. The main drivers are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), which increase the demand for advanced technologies. Businesses will have to take advantage of this in order not to lose a competitive edge.

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A-Team Global offers software product development services that integrate advanced technology with complex industrial solutions. In this article, we reveal the secrets of building an effective fleet fuel management system that will raise the level of your company's operations to a level unattainable by your competitors.


The Role of Fleet Fuel Management 

Without advanced technology, fleets find it difficult to deal with scheduling errors, rising operating costs, and occasional accidents. Specialized web applications visualize separate workflow parameters with a focus on the aspects that require intervention. Software platforms that integrate with ERP help communicate information, and workflow is often optimized with the help of AI and IoT. Key tasks become easier and faster through automation.

Pros of fleet fuel management software


The FMS provides data critical to organizational decision-making for managing transport resources. It helps to plan transportation, create optimal schemes, routes and schedules, taking into account lead times and other specifications.

Efficient tracking and planning

Tracking and planning features enable specialists to check the real-time geolocation of vehicles and monitor the way they adapt to traffic conditions. Constant communication between drivers and dispatchers helps timely warn workers of unexpected conditions, speed limits, toll roads, and streets unsuitable for large vehicles.

This optimizes transportation and reduces fuel consumption, which also depends on driving technique. FMS allows you to monitor and control driver behavior algorithms, the number and duration of stops. Compliance with best practices reduces costs, accidents, and maintenance intervals.

Improved operating conditions

FMS provides channels that level the lack of motivation and communication with management specialists through sustainable feedback.

Streamlined diagnostics and maintenance

A dedicated FMS helps manage the health of vehicles using machine learning and IoT to diagnose faults that are often difficult to detect with simple methods. Real-time status data reduces fleet downtime.

The service reminder function makes it possible to maintain the technical condition of the fleet in a timely manner and makes it easier to adjust the schedules for the supply of spare parts and consumables.

More precise accounting

FMS stores all operational information, so accounting and documentation are simplified, and errors and inaccuracies in records are eliminated. As a result, it allows you to focus on other important tasks.

Lowered risks of road accidents

As a result of accidents, fleets may face a range of legal problems. We have to solve the issues of restoring cars, counting and finding the necessary funds. We have to adjust the schedules of deliveries and work. FMS not only reduces the likelihood of accidents caused by drivers with improved management, but also their data can be more effectively used in courts, eliminating potential issues due to the lack of info.

In general, investments in such systems provide competitive advantages:

  • Overall cost reduction;
  • Improved quality of service, financial management and accountability;
  • Increased operational flexibility;
  • Effective preventive and planned maintenance.

Reinforced security

The alarm button in the cab of the car allows drivers to respond in a timely manner to unforeseen situations on the road. It can be easily installed in any convenient place and has a low cost, taking into account installation.


How to Improve Fuel Economy

Integrated solutions help to properly organize internal and external workflows, significantly boosting profitability and fleet safety, as well as improving fuel efficiency. Here’s what you can do in particular to achieve that and more.

Get full control over traffic and drivers

The function allows you to track vehicles constantly on the route, parking or gas station. Evaluation of the work of drivers becomes absolutely transparent, which allows them to be taught the best practices, and this potentially leads to fuel consumption reduction. It should be noted right away that both conventional methods and modern ones, built on the capabilities of AI and IoT, are used for this.

Always pick the best routes

Essential FMS features include navigation and optimal route planning, which improves fuel consumption in the most efficient manner. You can connect a range of compatible smart devices to the system and track processes from anywhere in the world around the clock with an accuracy of up to 99%.

At the same time, the system powered by advanced technologies guarantees absolute accuracy and reliability, availability, and safety of data.

Integration with a fuel map

You can use the system to track the amount and location of fuel purchases. The need for manual entries is completely eliminated, since the fact of refueling is confirmed by an exchange with sensors in the fuel tank.

Integration with GPS technology allows drivers to easily find suitable gas stations. In addition, fuel maps can be integrated with an API that allows you to perform all sorts of tasks, such as changing limits and adding zones that are allowed for calculation.

Using additional equipment

The mass and duration of the vehicle's engine idling directly affect fuel consumption. Standard equipment may include the ability to connect the default ignition to any GPS system, which allows you to control the engine running time in real-time. In the same way, the system can be connected to body controls on dump trucks, sensors for open doors, the presence of passengers in the cabin, etc.

When it comes to the fleet, even something as small as the wrong tire pressure has an impact on fuel efficiency. That is why the FMS interface integrates with all vehicle systems that can potentially affect consumption.

Optimizing fuel consumption

The use of a telematics-based system makes it possible to compare payment receipts with actual fuel consumption, which eliminates the possibility of fuel theft.

Optimizing tax reports

If necessary, the GPS-integrated system transmits the required data to the tax software. This reduces the idling time of vehicles' engines waiting to cross borders.


Custom vs Out-of-the-Box Decision 

Ready-made solutions are too versatile, which means that they cannot always be adapted to your conditions and requirements. As a rule, this is a product with simple installation and basic functions. However, since it's aimed at a broad audience, chances are it won't hit all of your pain points.

Tailor-made software is built with unique business challenges in mind. This may be, for example, the ability to inform customers about the status of delivery in real-time. This feature allows you to reduce the number of calls to the company, increase consistency and provide customers with a higher level of service. In addition, the customized solution is fully scalable and open to modifications.

If you have any questions, contact us now, and we will be glad to provide you with all the answers.

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How IoT Enhances Fuel Management


For the fleet, fuel efficiency and vehicle health are top priorities. Selecting routes with higher pavement quality and lower fuel costs optimizes fleet management and fuel consumption.

Advanced learning systems use AI and IoT. Drivers receive information about errors and how to correct them from remote conventional and smart mentors. They quickly recognize the risks, and transport companies achieve an overall reduction in operating costs.

With the help of traffic and parking information, drivers can control their movement according to the set schedule and maintain optimal speeds. The combined use of satellite monitoring systems and IoT sensors in fuel tanks allows you to get an objective picture of fuel consumption and fuel balance. Advanced technology calculators give you a rough estimate of your fuel costs, helping you save big.

Such fleet fueling management solutions are rarely universal, but can effectively help achieve goals, as well as meet the specific needs of transport companies.

Custom IoT-Based FMS Development 

The benefits of our fleet management solutions are clear as we can customize the system to perfectly suit the client's needs.

Optimized costs

We maintain partnerships with Metrix - the ready-made core of the satellite system allows you to speed up and reduce development costs. Creating IoT-based solutions further reduces costs, so our customers receive unique products at an affordable cost.

Fast time-to-market

For business, this is a key need. We take an intelligent product development approach that optimizes your workflow for maximum efficiency and minimum downtime.

High flexibility

When creating IoT solutions for fleet management, we remain open to any changes in requirements. Our team regularly informs clients about any updates and makes the necessary adjustments and additions in the process of working on projects.

Simple configuration

Our developers create solutions that perfectly fit specific needs. We carefully analyze the tasks in order to present a product that is fully adapted to your business and will make it more efficient.

Relevant software provision models

We offer the most individually convenient model of employing software.


Each solution is customized according to specific requirements. You will receive an individual platform by subscription. The choice of such a cooperation model provides a high level of flexibility, scalability, and security.

Termless license

This cooperation option guarantees the perfect adaptation of our products to your needs. First of all, we pay attention to the smallest details. By gaining unlimited access to the platform, you can completely eliminate hidden or reduce ongoing costs.


Our main goal is to create systems that maintain long-term partnerships with customers who need high efficiency transport.

The benefits of using our offerings far outweigh the initial investment. On top of that, our solutions allow you to avoid the risks associated with the human factor. In this case, you will not need to worry about how to reduce fuel consumption. Our highly intelligent FMS will provide the necessary data, tools, analysis of all working moments and make the necessary recommendations to improve the operational performance of your fleet.

Contact us to get a unique software product that will become a reliable foundation for successful existing and future transport operations.

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