June 9, 2021

Nearshore Software Development in Ukraine – Benefits, Opportunities and The Reasons to Choose

There are several strategies to develop a software solution. Outsourcing the developers nearshore is one of the most effective ones, especially if you are striving for cutting operational expenses and still want to be sure of the final quality. Still, the choice between the outsourcing destination and nearshore software development company comes first.

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What is Nearshore Software Development Outsourcing/ Nearshoring

According to the definition, nearshore software development is the practice of outsourcing the process of software development to the companies located in physical proximity to the country the customer comes from. For example, according to this logic, German companies can outsource their software creation processes to Ukraine. Since both countries are located on the same continent or on the same “shore”, this process is called nearshore software development.

Nearshore programming services are usually cost-effective, the physical proximity of the countries allows to avoid huge mentality gaps, plus the working schedules of the customer and the vendor mostly overlap as well. Nevertheless, the choice of the nearshore outsourcing destination matters, and for European customers, Ukraine can be a great option to pay attention to. 

Why is Ukraine a Top Nearshore Destination for European Companies?

Is Ukraine good for software engineering? Numerous customers from Europe and the US think that software development in Ukraine is a perfect outsourcing destination, and here is why. 

The large tech talent pool

There are many highly skilled programmers to choose from in Ukraine. But how many software developers are there in Ukraine, to be exact? According to different sources and estimates, there are 200,000 tech specialists in this county, and their number is projected to grow up to 23% by 2024. And it means that software outsourcing in Ukraine is going to rocket.

Strong engineering traditions

The high quality of Ukrainian high education is globally recognized , which is why this country holds so many tech specialists. Ukraine has an especially strong engineering tradition and this is the echo of the Soviet Union, where engineering and medical professions were prestigious. Most Ukrainian programmers also have higher education empowered by practical experience with European and American companies. 

Perfect price-quality match

Most customers choose Ukraine  for nearshore software development because of the opportunity to perfectly balance the reasonable cost for the highest product quality, access top tech expertise, and make use of the experience the developers already have. In contrast to the popular stereotype, software development outsourcing to Ukraine isn’t cheap but it is still cheaper than creating a solution in-house and still reasonably priced, given the quality the customers get as the final result. 

Let’s quickly compare the developers’ salaries in several countries to get an idea of the costs to hire a development team with the help of a nearshore programming firm: 

  • An average developer salary in the US - $8,000 per month
  • An average developer salary in the UK - $5,000 per month
  • An average developer salary in Ukraine - $3,000 per month


Convenient time zones overlap

Managing a nearshore software development team hired in Ukraine is also less challenging compared to the team from a more distant country. Being located in the very heart of Europe, a Ukrainian time zone overlaps with the time zones of European countries in a very convenient way  - there is a 3 hours difference maximum. From the project management standpoint, it means that most of the time, your schedule and the schedule of your dedicated team will overlap, and that’s why there will be shorter response time and fewer communication delays. 

Software development outsourcing nearshore is an even better idea if you bet on the long-term relationship and meet your team personally. The physical proximity between the counties and well-developed transport infrastructure allows a no-trouble trip to Ukraine. 


No mentality gap and language barrier

Choosing a nearshore software development firm in Eastern Europe means the opportunity to hire people with almost the same mentality and culture. So, there are fewer risks that the final solution will not meet the expectations of the customers from the “human” standpoint. Having no mentality difference also means having the same or almost the same approaches to doing business, sharing the same business ethics values, and achieving mutual understanding faster. So, software development in Eastern Europe is a noteworthy choice when it comes to finding a perfect balance between price and well-established cooperation.

Government-supported innovations development

The cost-effectiveness enforced by the reasons we have listed above isn’t the only “why” to choose a nearshore software development company from Ukraine. Recently, Ukraine got started with digital transformation and innovation development on the governmental level. 

For example, Ukraine has recently become the first country in the world where digital passports have the same legal force as their paper counterparts. Also, there are great chances that very soon, cryptocurrency will be regulated legally, opening more opportunities for crypto projects development and Bitcoin owners. 

Working with your software development team from a legal standpoint is also easy and transparent since most of the programmers from Ukraine are registered as individual entrepreneurs, paying taxes according to a simplified scheme. 

Nearshoring to A-Team Global - Benefits and Opportunities

There are many nearshore software development companies in Ukraine to choose from. A lot of them are credible, reputable, well-known on the global tech market; besides, most software development companies in Ukraine are recognized by Clutch and Good Firms. That's why you have a lot of work to do before making the final, and most importantly, the right choice for your project. 

A-Team Global, one of the well-established Ukrainian software development companies, is also proud to belong to nearshore software development companies worth your attention. Most of our customers are European companies. The practical experience and the long-term relations with them allowed us to borrow the best European business practices, approaches, and values. Reinforced by our strong tech expertise, we are ready to become your reliable business partner, support you along your development path and offer the following benefits for your business growth. 

If you have any questions, contact us now, and we will be glad to provide you with all the answers.

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Nearshoring strategy tailored to your business needs

A-Team Global offers software engineering and consulting services, according to the two following business models. 

  • Team extension. This is a tactic suitable for those companies already having a tech team in-house but facing the urgent need to support it with additional pairs of hands and skills. Most often, our customers prefer to extend their team when they either face the need to develop one more project in parallel with the core one, there is a huge traffic influx to an existing app and they need to scale it quickly, or there are a lot of routine tasks an in-house team can’t handle on their own (for example, when there is a need to test the product a lot). 
  • Software development outsourcing. As one more strategy worth considering, our customers from Europe prefer software development nearshore outsourcing when they aren’t ready to invest in their in-house team, but still want to have a well-controllable, manageable, and skilled tech unit to create their projects on a remote basis. This is an effective tactic in the long run. Most of our customers get started with hiring 1-3 programmers, and then, expand their team as their company scales. 

Niche-specific expertise

Those companies choosing Ukraine as their nearshore outsourcing destination, most frequently have the need to create fintech, retail, education, and eCommerce projects. That’s why we are also highly focused on these industries (but aren’t limited to them). 

The industries above are our core competencies, so we will be glad to help you with your project development as well. Let’s get started by briefly reviewing some of the applications we have already created for our customers from the niches below. 

  • eCommerce and Retail. SuperChampione is one of our prominent eCommerce projects. The idea behind the app is simple - it allows for finding the best deals and shopping them instantly. Still, there is another distinctive feature - to keep users engaged, we have added contests and other gamification features so that they can get an even better shopping experience. 
  • Marketing technologies. The cross-posting tool we've worked on turned out to become even more advanced than we planned from the very beginning. While automating social media posts is its core feature, the tool also allows for running ad campaigns, tracking performance and metrics, plus generating leads by connecting to affiliate websites. 
  • Financial technologies. And here is our Telegram crypto bot, which allows users to always stay informed on the industry updates, buy and sell cryptos at an instance, plus is available as an API for other developers. 
  • Educational technologies. As for the application examples from the EdTech industry, pay attention to video hosting. This application allows for uploading, accessing, and sharing educational videos, workshops, and masterclasses, and it performs pretty well, even despite being heavily loaded with educational content. 
  • Governmental projects (NDA-protected). We are also proud to win the trust of European governmental bodies and help them develop highly secured applications, strictly protected by NDA. Because of this reason, we can’t share too many details but as an example, we have developed an application for a German political party to help it manage and streamline a pre-election campaign. When working with governmental projects, we prioritize confidentiality and security, plus strictly follow the GDPR guidelines and best practices. That’s why, helping our customers achieve their far-reaching goals, we have no data leaks issues. 

Experience with European customers from different industries

A-Team Global is especially focused on working with businesses from Europe. Our physical and cultural proximity allows us to follow the software development outsourcing business process effectively and transparently, having no mentality gaps and misunderstandings.

To be even closer to our European customers, we established two representative offices, in addition to the main one in Ukraine. We have a business entity in Bulgaria and Germany so that our customers can get all the benefits of software outsourcing and stay in touch with us without the need to leave their homeland. 

Below are just some of the applications we have developed for the customers from Europe: 

  • A warehouse management system that helps with controlling inventory, shipping, and payments for a Danish customer;
  • An in-office communication system that streamlines the interaction between the company’s departments for a Latvian customer;
  • A mobile application that allows for managing hoe multimedia devices for a Swiss customer;
  • Multi-architecture music hosting that consolidates other music platforms divided by the styles and directions for the UK-based customer;

Top-Notch technologies and solutions to use for your project

Ukrainian programmers are highly skilled with the high-quality technologies used during modern software project development. The ones we have under our roof aren’t an exception. What’s more, we always pay the closest attention to the tech stack choice, taking into account our practical experience, the specifics of the project, and the vision of our programmers. 


Our expertise included but isn’t limited to using the following technologies for your project development. 

  • React.js. This is a versatile library that often comes in handy during JavaScript development.React.js programmers we can source will do their best to unlock the potential of React.js for your project.
  • Vue.js. If you need to quickly get the first results and a minimal viable product (MVP), there can rarely be something better than Vue.js. When you want to build your product using this technology, our Vue.js coders will support you along this path, providing their robust development experience. 
  • Angular.js. Angular.js is an evergreen framework we can power your project with. We can provide your project with  Angular.js developers to match your business needs. 
  • Laravel. If you need to create enterprise software, Laravel can be a good tool to use, especially in the hands of our experienced Laravel programmers. 
  • Asp.NET. This technology covers a lot of use cases and can be tailored to mobile, web, and desktop apps. Our vetted Asp.NET professionals can show you the true potential of this technology.. 
  • React Native. This is the top choice for cross-platform applications and the projects that plan to launch mobile solutions in the future. Our React Native programmers know how to handle it right. 
  • Node.js. Do you need an event-driven application with multiple user scenarios? Our Node.js development team is here to help. 

Transparent hiring, control, and communication

The A-Team Global team also stands for ultimate transparency at each of the development stages - getting started with hiring your team and continuing with final project maintenance. That’s why you are always welcome to interview your developers on your own, making sure they are a good fit for your project. We also support effective communication, taking the wishes of the customer into account, and encourage clear workflow tracking, control, and reporting, using the latest task management tools.


There are many different challenges to solve during your project development. But if you have chosen your nearshore outsourcing destination and the development vendor right, there is a great reason to feel significantly less worried, enjoying the process of your software creation. If you are looking for software development in Eastern Europe, Ukraine is a good option to consider, especially if you plan to run your project development remotely, and A-Team Global is right here to help you with it.

Let’s get to know each other better. Reach out to us to discuss your project and outline your development strategy! 

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